Requirements for Compliant Numbers
When you sign up for your District 37 Competition License, you will receive your riding number(s), your skill level color bar and your division clear bar. You can also have custom graphics made that include your number plate. Any custom plates MUST follow District 37 guidelines.
For ALL District 37 numbers, the font must be 3.5 inches height and 1.75 inches wide, (see below for complete specifications.) All Series EXCEPT Grand Prix requires the small 'x' to follow the number in 3 Lightweight Classes -
30+ (Vet) Lwt. 96-250cc
40+ (Sr) Lwt. 96-250cc
50+ (Mag) Lwt. 96-250cc
NO small 'x' is used in the Grand Prix Series. Letters go in front of the number only.
The Grand Prix Series requires riders to run black numbers on a yellow background on the front and both sides of the bike. All other Series require black numbers on a white background on the front plate.
For ALL District 37 numbers, the font must be 3.5 inches height and 1.75 inches wide, (see below for complete specifications.) All Series EXCEPT Grand Prix requires the small 'x' to follow the number in 3 Lightweight Classes -
30+ (Vet) Lwt. 96-250cc
40+ (Sr) Lwt. 96-250cc
50+ (Mag) Lwt. 96-250cc
NO small 'x' is used in the Grand Prix Series. Letters go in front of the number only.
The Grand Prix Series requires riders to run black numbers on a yellow background on the front and both sides of the bike. All other Series require black numbers on a white background on the front plate.
Number and Letter Font StandardsCharacter Height: 3.5"
Character Width: 1.75" Line Width: .5" Kerning: Minimum: .375" Maximum: .75" |
Recommended/Approved FontsNumber and Full Size Letters: Arial Narrow Bold 345pt or a Visually
Identical Substitute Half-Height Letters: Arial Black or 160pt or a Visually Identical Substitute Capital "I": Veranda or Tahoma 340pt or a Visually Identical Substitute |